Friday, September 11, 2020

Kindle Edition of Number Seven and One

Okay, the Kindle eBook of my new publication—my first book of poetry—is now up. Kindle Create was giving me a lot of trouble with it, which is what I was worried would happen. After publication, I wanted to fix a couple of minor errors on my part, but then, for some unknown, annoying-as-hell reason, the Kindle Create file got corrupted, so I had to make it again from scratch. However, the bright side of that is: having to do that, allowed me to unsuspectingly find issues caused by Kindle Create itself that I hadn't noticed before, along with three other blunders on my part. So I fixed those silly, pesky mistakes in the paperback too. Ugh, editing is such a fucking beast! What's annoying with KDP is that, after the new version is approved, the changes made don't go live for another 72 hours—so annoying! Anyway, here it is, my heart and soul poured out on paper in prose style, available to you digital lovers in digital form: 


Wednesday, September 9, 2020


So here it is, the paperback release of my second book of 2020 and my seventh book in total, Number Seven and One: Poetry, Prose and Polemics. It's my first book of its kind and my first book with a preface, which I enjoyed writing and which explains my poetic evolution from the traditional, old-fashioned style I used to write in to what you find in here: 

I feel both incredible and ambivalent sharing myself with the world in this way, but I guess that's to be expected. At any rate, it was super fun and relieving to write, and I'm so happy that I've managed to make the most out of this very strange, turbulent and frightful year—of 2020, the year of the bat!

I hope you're all doing well.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Spirals of Orange and Black - in Paperback!

Hello again, everyone. I hope you’re doing well in these very frightful, anxiety-ridden and precarious times. Just hang in there, and we’ll all get through it. It’ll just take some time. Make sure you’re exercising, sleeping well, taking vitamins, staying in as much as possible and eating right. The good news is, the paperback of my new book is now up for sale! Enjoy:

Sunday, March 22, 2020


Hey, everyone, I hope you’re doing well in this dark time in human history. I have big news for you today; my new and sixth book is now available for purchase in Kindle eBook form. The paperback will be out soon. It’s my first book of short stories, and I’m very excited about it. There are 19 stories in total, some true, some fictional, some of them even memoirs. If you’d like more detail, please check out the description box at the Amazon landing:

And here’s my author page, where you can find all my books: