Friday, September 11, 2020

Kindle Edition of Number Seven and One

Okay, the Kindle eBook of my new publication—my first book of poetry—is now up. Kindle Create was giving me a lot of trouble with it, which is what I was worried would happen. After publication, I wanted to fix a couple of minor errors on my part, but then, for some unknown, annoying-as-hell reason, the Kindle Create file got corrupted, so I had to make it again from scratch. However, the bright side of that is: having to do that, allowed me to unsuspectingly find issues caused by Kindle Create itself that I hadn't noticed before, along with three other blunders on my part. So I fixed those silly, pesky mistakes in the paperback too. Ugh, editing is such a fucking beast! What's annoying with KDP is that, after the new version is approved, the changes made don't go live for another 72 hours—so annoying! Anyway, here it is, my heart and soul poured out on paper in prose style, available to you digital lovers in digital form: 


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